Regional Group Chats


Are you looking for some local ladies to grab a happy hour after work or while on a trip? Are you looking to have a more official CBG meetup (with admin approval) on a weekend and want to plan it with the others? Chats will be your best friend!

We have various chats set up for regions around California, just check the list below! We hope you will utilize this to become more social with our B&B ladies, and who knows, create lifelong friendships!

  • Check the options below and ask an admin for an invite!

  • Do you want to stay a part of the chat but don't want to keep receiving notifications (i.e. during work, on vacation, etc)? In the chat, click the gear (desktop) or Info icon (mobile) and choose "Mute". You can choose how long to keep muted or choose to unmute on your own time!

(we currently aren't adding more options until we have more state admins to support)
  • San Diego County
  • Orange County
  • Riverside/Inland Empire area
  • Los Angeles County
  • Ventura/Santa Barbara area
  • SLO/Paso/Central Coast area
  • Fresno/Central Valley area
  • Monterey/Santa Cruz area
  • San Francisco/Greater Bay area
  • Sonoma County area
  • Greater Sacramento area
  • Redding/Chico area
‼️Only chats that are created by CA Admins are OFFICIAL B&B chats. Anything else is unapproved and unauthorized by us‼️